

There's a theme why this bike is being named as "Aks"
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There's a theme why this bike is being named as "Aks". This belongs to a young to be engineer Akshay Hiremath. This being our initial bike, no matter how many builds we do, this will always be our initial build and will always be referred to when we talk of our builds. So its like a shadow of our work and will follow us for ever. Hence Aks is the best name we could bounce back again and again whenever we thought of what should this bike be called.

All you biker buffs out there, as promised....we present to you...Aks. Its a bobber design as fantasized by Akshay. We had put all our heart and soul to bring the best of this 2009 RE Thunderbird. When Akshay said "wow" seeing this pics, all our hardwork and efforts were best paid off. The best part of this build is again - the whole bike is re-build without tampering with the chassis or engine.

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